Discover the 10 most liked posts on Art Shortlist's Instagram account in November 2021.

Art Shortlist
by Art Shortlist - December 7, 2021


This splendid picture of Nicolas de Staël in his studio gets the first place.


A nude by Edgar Degas that you really liked.


JR's latest installation in Egypt.


A Joan Fontaine portrait painted by Bernard Rancillac in 1984. We take this opportunity to pay tribute to him who passed away only a few days ago.


A very large format of Céline Liebi which was unanimously appreciated by the artshortlisters.


This beautiful lithograph by André Lanskoy has collected your likes and allows him to rank sixth in this monthly ranking.


This painting by Maxence Doré takes us on a journey into space.


The painting technique of this new artshortlister caught your attention.


A beautiful rose by Achille Laugé.


To conclude this Top 10 in beauty, you have retained this small colorful portrait of Jéko.