Bernard Aubertin
Bernard Aubertin was born on 29 July 1934 in Fontenay-aux-Roses, France. He was very close to the artist Yves Klein from 1957 onwards, and in 1960 he began to produce his most emblematic series, the "Tableaux clous". In 1961, he presented his "Tableaux feu". He quickly joined the ZERO group founded a few years earlier in Dusseldorf, Germany by Otto Peinte and Heinz Mack.
This is how Bernard Aubertin makes a clean sweep of all previous forms of creation and seeks to elaborate a new situation, in harmony with the natural and physical elements. Aubertin's visually powerful works remain true to his exploration of the dynamic possibilities of red and fire. The colour red is at the heart of his artistic work, even if the artist sometimes ventures into white, gold and black.
Art Shortlist is delighted to introduce you to a selection of Bernard Aubertin's works.