René Magritte (1898-1967) is undoubtedly one of the most famous artists coming from Belgium, associated with surrealism, he produced unique works functioning as metaphors and rebus.

Let's discover together the 10 most beautiful quotes by Magritte. You will see that beyond his agility in the practice of graphic arts, he handled words admirably.

Art Shortlist
by Art Shortlist - February 7, 2023

1 - There is no choice: no art without life.

2 - Every man has the right to 24 hours of freedom per day.

3 - I take care, as far as possible, to make only paintings that arouse mystery with the precision and enchantment necessary for the life of ideas.

4 - Nothing is confused, except the mind.

5 - It is the mystery that illuminates knowledge.

6 - All that we see hides something else.

7 - Everything in my works comes from the feeling of certainty that we belong, in fact, to an enigmatic universe.

8 - One should not fear the sunlight because it has almost always served only to illuminate a miserable world.

9 - The titles of the paintings are not explanations and the paintings are not illustrations of the titles.

10 - The one who wants or looks for what he desires in painting, will never find what exceeds his preferences.

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